Get to know




Create robust LLM apps in record time. Focus on your core business logic and leave the rest to us.

Do I need to know how to code to create LLM applications with agenta?

Can I use agenta with a self-hosted fine-tuned model such as Llama or Falcon?

How can I limit hallucinations and improve the accuracy of my LLM apps?

Is it possible to use vector embeddings and retrieval-augmented generation with Agenta?

How it works




Create robust LLM apps in record time. Focus on your core business logic and leave the rest to us.

Do I need to know how to code to create LLM applications with agenta?

Can I use agenta with a self-hosted fine-tuned model such as Llama or Falcon?

How can I limit hallucinations and improve the accuracy of my LLM apps?

Is it possible to use vector embeddings and retrieval-augmented generation with Agenta?

How it works




Create robust LLM apps in record time. Focus on your core business logic and leave the rest to us.

Do I need to know how to code to create LLM applications with agenta?

Can I use agenta with a self-hosted fine-tuned model such as Llama or Falcon?

How can I limit hallucinations and improve the accuracy of my LLM apps?

Is it possible to use vector embeddings and retrieval-augmented generation with Agenta?